Reclaim Your Masculinity, Master Emotional Resilience, Live Authentically & Thrive In Relationships

Are you ready to...

Forge deep, meaningful connections with men who have your back without feeling alone in your struggles or trying to “lone wolf” it through life.

Form a secure connection to your masculinity that allows you to lead in a way that inspires & guides, stand up & assert what matters to you, be resilient enough to bounce back from whatever life throws at you without being aggressive, controlling, or hurtful to others.

Harness the power of your emotions by learning the skills, strategies & tools you need to self-regulate, self-soothe & calm yourself in stressful situations.

There are 3 huge mistakes I see men making that fucks up their life & relationship.

Let’s be real here.


You've probably made most, if not all of these mistakes.

Believing or pretending that his past has no impact on his present life.

Acting like nothing is wrong or bothering him. Instead he just pushes it down & tries to push through it.

Believing that his emotions should be hidden & dismissed because he’s a man.

Raise your hand if you’ve made any or all of these mistakes. If so, remember you’re not alone.

There are 3 huge mistakes I see men making that fucks up their life & relationship.

Let’s be real here.


You've probably made most, if not all of these mistakes.

Believing or pretending that his past has no impact on his present life.

Acting like nothing is wrong or bothering him. Instead he just pushes it down & tries to push through it.

Believing that his emotions should be hidden & dismissed because he’s a man.

Raise your hand if you’ve made any or all of these mistakes. If so, remember you’re not alone.


A community to help men unpack, unmask & unleash the mature, authentic man within


Here’s how The Man Within Brotherhood is different from other men’s groups.

TMW Brotherhood is a unique community that empowers & supports men to unmask who they are at their core, unleash their mature & authentic potential in life & relationship by not only incorporating all aspects of what makes them a huMAN being but also getting to the root of his patterns, pain & problems of his past.



You know that you need to develop unshakable confidence and inner strength, even if some people don't agree with you, disapprove of your choices, or you're not fitting the mold society expects from you…


You know you should be asserting yourself, making firm decisions, leading your family, owning what you value & believe in & clearly communicating without second-guessing, without the need to prove or hide yourself…


You’re tired of hearing your wife or girlfriend complain about how she doesn’t feel supported emotionally by you or how you don’t open up to her even though you think you put so much time, effort & consideration into the relationship…


BUT... you have no clue where to begin, or how to improve these things.


Does this hit close to home?

How would your life be different if you could….

Be authentically and unapologetically yourself.

Start doing what you know is right & aligned with your values & vision 

Regulate your emotions, self-soothe & remain calm in stressful situations

Be in a romantic relationship with a woman feeling secure in who you are & not needing her to fill a void.

How would your life be different if you could….

Be authentically and unapologetically yourself.

Start doing what you know is right & aligned with your values & vision 

Regulate your emotions, self-soothe & remain calm in stressful situations

Be in a romantic relationship with a woman feeling secure in who you are & not needing her to fill a void.

It may look like:

Confidently leading in your home & in your career


Believing in your abilities, valuing your own worth & moving towards your dreams


Fostering a safer, stronger emotional connection with your wife & kids


Attracting people who appreciate you for who you are


Being the calm in the storms of life


Welcoming open communication, honesty, and vulnerability.


More fulfilling and satisfying physical intimacy in your relationship.

This brotherhood will teach you how to….

  • Become a man who leads your life from your head, heart & balls.

  • Be authentically and unapologetically yourself 

  • Own up to and face your wounds

  • Assert yourself into the world

  • Embrace your humanity

  • Unleash your untapped potential

  • Harness the power of your emotions

  • Develop unshakable confidence and inner strength

  • Lean into your discomfort to grow in life & relationships


Here’s what you’ll get in The Man Within Brotherhood

Weekly 90-Min Community Calls

Join in on our weekly call led by Kevin Benevides. Each call includes a grounding practice consisting of breath, meditation and/or movement, celebration of our WINS & an opportunity for the men in the group to share their challenges, ask questions & be supported.

Calls are every Tuesday at 7:30pm EST

Private Members-Only Telegram Channel

Every day this is your place to go to share your wins, struggles & realizations. It’s where you can support your fellow brothers & be supported by them & coached by Kevin Benevides

Monthly Training Challenges

Designed to take action on what you’re learning in the brotherhood. These challenges are about Integrating & embodying in real time to level up

Mini Courses

Throughout the year you will gain access to mini-courses designed & taught by Kevin Benevides. These video courses will revolve around topics like masculinity, relationships, emotional intelligence, trauma healing & more. 4 mini-courses are guaranteed per year.

Get Instant Access to The Man Within Brotherhood for Only:


Starts February 5, 2024












"At your core, under all the pain, self doubt & societal expectations is an authentic man who has the power to create a life filled with purpose, love & fulfillment, foster meaningful relationships, and can empower the world."

By my mid-20s, I seemed to have it all – married, two kids, a house, and a steady 9-5 job. It was the life I thought I needed to live to be a good man & have a good life. I was ticking off societal and family checkboxes.

Externally, everything looked perfect. Internally, a different story unfolded. Anxiety consumed me, and I walked on eggshells, fearing I'd upset others. My frustration and anger spilled over at home. I struggled to support and connect with my wife.

Work became a daily dread that I came to believe was my only option until retirement. 

I had no idea that my unresolved emotional pain was steering my life as a husband and father. Without realizing it, I was always trying to please others and fit in, so I ended up hiding who I really was to gain acceptance.

In 2013, a series of events revolving around my father’s health brought my buried emotional pain to the surface. Months of internal chaos consisting of anxiety, depression & emotional pain followed until I sought help from a mentor who guided me through processing the emotional turmoil.

Through this journey, I uncovered the roots of my pain & my healing process involved understanding, processing, grieving, and forgiving. This transformative experience ignited a profound passion for personal growth and healing, shaping my journey that for almost 3 years has involved coaching men all around the world to heal & unleash their mature & authentic selves.



  • Trusting other men & even your own masculinity has been a challenge.  Leaving you to not have good men in your life who you can turn to for support, accountability & inspiration.
  • You often feel isolated, left to try to push your way forward & “lone wolf” your way through life.
  • You’ve been working hard at checking off the boxes (house, car, degree, money, wife, kids, dog), yet you feel unfulfilled, unhappy & lost.
  • You feel stuck in living an “okay” life. You want better for yourself but are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone.
  • Asserting yourself & making firm decisions is something you struggle with.  You often just go with the flow, nod in agreement even when you disagree, and avoid owning up to your responsibilities, sometimes neglecting important tasks.
  • You have a tough time communicating what you really need or how you’re feeling.  Sometimes it feels like people take you for granted, and when things build up too much, you might blow up out of nowhere.
  • The echoes of your childhood wounds persist, and you’re on a quest to find peace with those experiences.
  • You're prepared to confront and overcome your fears, limitations, and tendencies to play small in life.
  • You’re critical of yourself on a consistent basis.  It’s like you have a bully living in your head that makes it hard for you to feel confident in yourself & satisfied with your achievements/life.
  • Smoking weed, drinking alcohol, watching porn, masturbating or throwing yourself into your work are ways in which you dodge your emotions & challenges in life & you’re ready to break free from these unhealthy habits.


If so, all of YOU is welcome & know that you're not alone…


There is a part of you that is called towards being a part of this brotherhood or else you wouldn’t still be here. That part of you knows that you need & deserve a community like this.


Just like a majority of other men...


There is a part of you that is called towards being a part of this brotherhood or else you wouldn’t still be here. That part of you knows that you need & deserve a community like this. 


You’ve tried to lone wolf your way through life.


You’ve had your fears & unresolved wounds hold you back from being the man & living the life you desire.


You’ve been left struggling to effectively manage your emotions.


The critic that lives in your head has bullied you for far too long. Taking away your confidence & making it hard to feel satisfied with what you’ve achieved in life.


Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ve got it all together & are capable of figuring things out on your own.


Now is the time to get the support you need, not 6 months from now when shit hits the fan even harder.


This is why this brotherhood exists… To provide a safe, supportive community for you to heal, grow & step into becoming the man you desire & creating the life you dream of.



Get Instant Access to The Man Within Brotherhood for Only:


Starts February 5, 2024